The automatic float switch (Part # E373) can be set up in two different configurations:

Configuration 1: Up is on, down is off. This is used on auto pump outs, so when the tank level gets full, the switch will float up and turn the auto pump out on. When the tank empties, float will float down, and turn the pump out back off.

Configuration 2: Up is off, down is on. This is used on vacuum motors, so when the tank level gets full, the switch will float up and turn the vacuums off. When the tank empties, float will float down, and turn the vacuums back on.

How to Install Float Switch:

If the switch is operating in the wrong configuration, it can be adjusted by doing the following:

Step 1: Remove retaining clip from end of switch rod.

Step 2: Slide off the float switch. Turn float 180 degrees to reverse the poles, and install back onto the switch rod. 

Step 3: Reinsert retaining clip.